2011-2012 Class!

2011-2012 Class!
Art Museum Trip

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Get ready for fractions!!

We will be starting with fractions this year in math! I know that fractions can be very challenging for some students, but I have many hands-on activities for students practice using fractions in their own conversations and problems, as well as understand why fractions are so important in life.  Understanding that fractions represent a piece of a whole will make sense when we are done finding real examples in the community and our classroom.  Then we will be able to understand how to find equivalent fractions and how to divide one whole into different equal pieces.

For practice with fractions and to test your knowledge, try playing these games:
Jam It Fraction Games

Grammy and Grampy Fraction Games

If you like to rap....watch Mr. Duey rap :)

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